Symbyosis: sharing2, Greetings, dear ones, What Is In-between, Where You Are Now, and Where You are Going,

Origen: Symbyosis: sharing2 – Greetings dear ones, What Is In-between Where You Are Now and Where You are Going?

lunes, 30 de julio de 2018

sharing2 – Greetings dear ones, What Is In-between Where You Are Now and Where You are Going?

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Carl Jung:
 «Depression is like a woman dressed in black.» (Mourning) If she appears, do not push her away, invite her, offer her a seat, treat her like a guest, and listen to what she has to say …”
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AUGUST 27, 2017
Greetings dear ones. We seek through these messages to answer some of the questions you may still hold silently and secretly within. Because it is a new and energetically powerful time with so much taking place, many are questioning how your observations align with the idea you hold about these times.
The world in general has been comfortably ensconced in third dimensional thinking throughout the ages and thus the awareness and integration of new and higher Light frequencies is causing some confusion because many of the changes taking place seem unnecessary, that some things are perfectly acceptable just as they are.
Some things will not totally change, but will gently and gradually shift into higher expression. For example medical personnel and hospitals will not disappear, but will become more open and receptive to higher and better forms of caring for and healing those who come to them.
Individual reactions may vary from; «I have lots of life experience, and this is the right way for things to be done.» to «Too much change is never good.» Dear ones, very little is going to remain the same for those who have chosen to move into and live from higher dimensional energies. The manifestations of duality and separation must eventually dissolve when there is no longer anything to hold them in place.
This is not to say that the world as a whole will suddenly cease having experiences of duality and separation, but you personally will find your life becoming ever more reflective of the peace and harmony embodied within a consciousness of Oneness.
For years, and through lifetimes of experiences you have been preparing for these times. You have been confronted with and have released (physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually) painful stored cellular memories and the fears you have dragged through many lifetimes.
As you replace these old heavy energies with Light and truth, you make yourselves fit vehicles for truer ways of believing, living, and being, Even those spiritually ready, but not fully aware of this fact are feeling the intensity of Sacred Light pouring to earth and available for all to accept.
You have arrived, the time is now. Be patient, and avoid believing that «Nothing ever changes.» or «Things are just getting worse.» or «It is all a hoax.» because things may look that way. The integration of new and higher frequencies into the physical must be a process as the human body could not withstand the intense higher frequencies were they to integrate all at once.
Continually waiting for this or that particular experience as necessary proof of evolution is an exercise of futility based in concepts. Judging yourselves against the experiences of some «saint» or «holy» person, ideas in some book you may of read, or rigid religious concepts of what constitutes spirituality simply reflect a belief in separation.
Every person’s soul journey is unique and your experiences will never mirror another’s because everyone has lived through different experiences in hundreds of lifetimes. Every individual has their own chosen lessons to learn and truths to integrate while on earth in physical form.
All are one with Source–All, no exceptions. Every individual must eventually arrive at the full realization of the truth about themselves because it is the unchanging reality. Nothing exists outside of Divine Consciousness and the sense of something other than that ONE is illusion. The world and all its natural kingdoms are NOT ILLUSION, false concepts about the world and its natural kingdoms constitute the illusion.
Everything you can become aware of is a mind formed concept of a spiritual reality. For example you are consciousness, not a physical body. Your real and permanent bodies are made of Light. What you see and experience as the physical body is a concept of the permanent spiritual body reflecting your attained state of consciousness.
We wish to speak about the «spiritual journey». The idea of a journey is illusion dear ones, for you have never been and never can be separate from the reality of who and what you are. The idea of an evolutionary journey began when souls through a series of ancient events, forgot that they were individualized Divine Consciousness who had chosen to experience a sense of separation.
Because their creations seemed so real, a sense of separation became their state of consciousness and they continued to create experiences of separation manifesting as pairs of opposites–duality. Unity consciousness began to increasingly reflect these false creations giving birth to the fear and negativity in all its forms that is the three dimensional world of today.
You are now ready to remember who you really are. Healers are remembering ancient healing techniques, artists are remembering previously attained creative talents, and all willing souls are beginning to once again experience unconditional love and a sense of Oneness. Many are starting to question man’s inhumanity to man and the natural world even if they are not fully conscious of why their thinking has changed.
Awakening happens through the Higher Self when an individual is ready for the next phase of their «journey». Eyes are opening and beginning to see through appearances. Mankind is discovering that indeed the «Emperor has no clothes». This is evolution.
Become an observer. Stand back, resting in your and everyone’s identity as a spiritual being, and observe. Let go of the belief that you must heal, change, or fix anyone or anything by translating what you see into the truth that underlies all appearances–that the world and everything in it is already perfect and whole.
Recognize outer appearances of both good and bad to be manifestations of concepts and beliefs. Your realization of the truth helps to dissolve the energy of these miscreations for there is nothing to hold them in place but a belief in them. This is healing.
We do not say to ignore the suffering of others. Have your hand out and ready to grasp the hand of those seriously seeking answers rather than simply wanting you to do their work for them. Never act to change another’s path of learning in the belief that it is your duty to «save» them.
This sort of thinking is based in human ego, a belief still touted by many religious groups who teach that it is loving to step in and remove someone from a difficult situation they themselves may of specifically chosen for spiritual growth and learning. You must walk a fine line in these situations. It is different if a child someone helpless is at risk. Always seek out, trust, and let your intuition guide your actions.
Because you now know that you are creators, you must honestly ask yourselves; «What am I choosing to create?» Do you intend to continue creating images of duality and separation simply because the world says it is the reality or because these things are familiar and comfortable?
Truth either is, or it is not. God either is, or is not. It is the free will choice of every individual as to which they accept but understand that life can get very uncomfortable for those who choose to live with one foot in both worlds as many have or are about to find out.
The time has come to rest in truth, be the truth, and live the truth, releasing every remaining concept or belief built upon beliefs of separation from Source. It is time to claim your identity as God in expression. It is time to «leap off the cliff» so to speak, trusting that you always have been, are now, and forever will be Divine Consciousness in expression regardless of appearances.
We are the Arcturian Group 8/27/17
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Tuesday, July 25, 2017

What is In-between Where You Are NOW and Where You are Going? The Arcturians & Sue Lie


What Is In-between Where You Are Now and Where You are Going?

The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Dear Arcturians,

We, the «Ascending Ones” have some questions that we would like to ask you:

What is “in-between where we are and where we are going?

What is “in-between” who we are now and who we are becoming?

Also, how does “who we are becoming” influence “where we are going?”

We, the Arcturians are happy to answer your questions:

Dear Ascending Ones, you, the members of humanity, are in-between just like Gaia is in-between. However, many are not aware of that fact. Many people think that they are already finished with what they came to learn.

Some people think that they have just begun learning why they came to Earth during this NOW to learn, and some people think that they know everything. Then, there are some people that never even think about what they know.

These people, which is a large percentage of people, are primarily focused on whatever third dimensional task they are doing so that they can be happy, take good care of their families, understand their personal reality and/or are just surviving.

Gaia has such a diversity of people that there is no wonder why She is having difficulty with Her Planetary Ascension. Only a relatively small percentage of humans are dedicating themselves to assist with the task of Planetary Ascension. However, the number of those people is rising more and more.

Most people do not know what ascension is, and have never talked to a “Higher Being” of any kind, much less, their Higher Self. However, that number of people is diminishing. For the newly awakened ones, this form of “growing” is the process of remembering who they have always been, but forgot.

Unfortunately, the technology for the ones who only care about “making money for themselves” is also growing. Why is this “new destruction to humans and Earth” technology growing? The fact is that as more of this destructive technology is growing, more and more people are awakening to the fact that Earth is a living being.

Then, the humans that consider themselves to be of more importance than the entire planet are being recognized as “fleas on the dog.” What these destructive ones do not, yet, wonder is if the “dog/planet” were to perish, where would the fleas go?

“Oh, but the Earth can never perish,” they say because they are not aware how often Gaia has come into a “near-death” experience.

Gaia’s most challenging times were when Her protective Mantel was lost, then when Lemuria fell, then Atlantis fell, then there were the World Wars, the dropping of the atom bomb and the “testing for the nuclear bombs,” as well as the nuclear destruction done to Chernobyl.

Then, all of this destruction to planet Earth was followed by pollution and poisoning of Her earth via the “fertilizers,” destructions of the waters by Ships, as well as cities, emptying their trash into the ocean, and destruction of Her air by the pollutions from the huge factories as well as from the polluting airplanes.

It might appear that “someone” has been trying to destroy the Earth. For one thing, many of those who are destroying and/or harming Gaia do NOT live on the Earth. But if the ones who are destroying Earth don’t live on Earth, where do they live?

They live on the 3D Matrix, which was created to hold Gaia on her axis long enough for Her to heal her planetary self after the fall of Lemuria and Atlantis. Gaia was doing pretty well with her reconstruction, thanks to her beloved sister planet, Venus. That is until “modern mankind,” with their inability to think that any living thing could be stronger than a human.

Even the planet on which the humans lived was less important than the human’s ability to make money, gain “power over”, and dominate others. These “lost ones,” as we will call them, lived on the planet that gave them the light of the Sun, the important water for them to drink, the air that they could breathe, and the solid earth on which they could build their homes.

These “homes” have become bigger and bigger so that the lost ones can have enough space to put more and more “things” that were invented so that the ever-growing corporations and extremely wealthy people could show off how much “power” they have over everyone else.

But, what if there were other people on Earth, as well as beings from other planets, that are fully realized with their OWN “Power Within,” and who have NO desire to have Power Over any one and any thing.

What if these people realized that Unconditional Love encourages Power Within, and Giving to Others opens their hearts and minds to a different reality? What if more and more people realized that there is a “simultaneous reality” that resonates to a higher frequency than their “physical reality?

What if these people fully realized the Power Within of Unconditional Love and told others about their amazing discovery? What if these people began to share with as many others that they could that “Unconditional Love” encourages “Power Within” and “Giving to others” opens their hearts and minds to a different kind of reality?

What if people began to realize that Unconditional Love, Power Within and Giving to Others, opens their hearts and expands their minds to a different kind of reality in which people take care of the planet on which they live?

This new “format for living” in which Unconditional Love encourages Giving to Others, also plants the seed of Power Within. Once Power is perceived as a means to better assist the beings on Gaia, as well as Mother Earth, one’s Power Within becomes a gift to give to others rather than a means to dominate others.

These Power Within and Unconditional Loving people know something that NEVER occurred to the Power OVER Others people. What did they know?

They knew from the experience of living a life of Service to Others, that it creates a much greater Power Within than living a life of Service to Self. They learned that Power Within is like a well that refilled itself every time they took a drink.

Power Within creates a feeling of SELF Love. This Self Love allows them to love others as much as they loved themselves. In fact, by loving others unconditionally, they found that they could love themselves unconditionally, as well!

Meanwhile, the Power Over people were busy stealing from the poor and creating wars so that they could make more and more money to have more and more Power Over others. In fact, the Power Over ones were so busy taking care of themselves first, rather than taking care of others, that they did not realize that something was beginning to change.

Because the Power Over ones looked at what they could buy with the money that they got from having Power Over Others, they did NOT realize that something was different. Meanwhile, those who were living with Power Within were moving into higher and higher states of consciousness.

Therefore, these Power Within ones began to perceive higher and higher dimensions of reality. Therefore, they were able to feel, know, perceive, and tell others that something about Mother Earth was beginning to change.

In fact, they began to realize that their own physical bodies were beginning to change, as well. Bit-by-bit, more and more of these Service to Others began to emanate a form of light that the Power Over others had NEVER seen before.

The Power Over ones did not understand why this light frightened them. Maybe it was because they somehow knew that they could NEVER have Power Over this light, or have Power Over anyone who resonated to this light.

Also, these Power Within “light people” started to disappear from the perception of the Power Over ones. As more and more of the Power Within, Light Ones, disappeared, no one wanted to buy what the Power Over ones sold, read what they wrote, or hear what they said.

More and more, a gap began to grow between the Power Within people who seemed to be glowing brighter and brighter within the “light,” and the Power Over Others, who were losing more and more money, as no wanted what they had to sell, and no one wanted to hear what they had to say.

Most important, NO one wanted to fight their wars so that the Power Over ones could make more and more money to have more and more Power Over others. Then, the Power Within ones decided that they did NOT need money at all.

Because they were all finding their Power Within they could work together to create whatever was needed and SHARE it with whoever needed it. They discovered that they could communicate with Gaia to find out where the food was, what food was nutritious, how many fish to catch without harming their population.

In fact, they were happy to “just get what they really needed” because they were happy with their life. Groups of people began to gather together to work the land in an organic way, to form educational programs, to assist the sick and elderly and to care for Gaia’s life forms in whatever means was necessary.

Then, it occurred!

One-by-one and two-by-two, then, hundreds-by-hundred, the Power Within Ones began to find their way to live in the very reality that had taught them how to live via Power Within. They had forgotten that they had been taught, reminded, awakened, but NOW they were remembering.

They all began to share their dreams, their inner messages, and the information that they received from Gaia herself. Finally, after many eons, people and planet were becoming ONE!

“OH NO!” said the Power Over ones, who were becoming very afraid. “Who can we control now?”

“How about learning to control your SELVES?” spoke a voice that only those who were willing to change could hear.

“Controlling our self?” they pondered.

You see, they had spent their lives being so busy controlling others that they never realized that some one was also controlling them. Now this is when the real change began to manifest.

Controlling their Self—Controlling their Self?? What did that mean. They had spent their lives so busily controlling others that they NEVER realized that they were NOT controlling their self.

And then, suddenly for some and VERY slowly for others, they began to realize that the very “brainwashing” that they had used on others, was and had always been used on them. Now, this revelation made them VERY angry.

But, whom could they be angry at? They could be angry with their parents and the “Power Over” ones who had directed their entire life. But then they could also be angry with themselves. After all, they had been “good little solders” that had done exactly what those who had Power Over them had taught them to do.

Then, to their surprise, they deeply and fully realized that they were as much a “victim to others,” as much as they had made others be a victim to them. It was then that the Power Within ones recognized that their long-time enemies of “Power Over Others” needed their help.

Without a second thought, the Power Within ones sent Unconditional Love and Violet Fire to ALL the Power Over ones. They did not discriminate between those who had “a lot of power over” and the ones who just had “a little power over.” They were all brothers and sisters in humanity, and they know that it was their duty and joy to assist those who had been lost in the darkness to find their own Inner light.

The Power Within ones knew that this Inner Light would ground the “once lost ones” into the greater and greater light that was shinning brighter and brighter, day by day, in every way into both the personal/human, and planetary/Earth, vessels.

The Power Over ones knew that this Higher Light, which would gradually become “Inner Light,” would ground the ones who were once lost to the darkness. They also knew that every day, in every way, their Inner Light would shine brighter and brighter.

Well, that is where this story leaves off, for it is increasingly becoming a New Reality. However, we thank you for listening and invite each and every one of YOU to create your OWN Happy Ending to your Story, as well as to all the “stories” that you will hear from others as you offer your Power Within to assist others to find their Inner Light.

Blessings, we are the Arcturians and the Members of your Galactic Family. If you meet a person who looks like he/she may be from another planet, send them some Unconditional Love and Violet Fire.

When your gift is returned back to you, you will know that you have met a member of your Galactic Family. More than ever, we are ONE within this NOW.

Blessings from the Arcturians and our Galactic Family

Posted by Suzanne Lie at 4:47 PM

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The Being ONE, : 178_ ascended master, hologramas, BROTHERS AND SONS, -The Being One III, The SERAMITAS, THE Path BACK, Book 3, 2018,

Origen: The Being ONE : 178_ ascended master, hologramas, BROTHERS AND SONS, -The Being One III, The SERAMITAS, THE Path BACK, Book 3, 2018,

Monday, July 30, 2018

178_ ascended master, hologramas, BROTHERS AND SONS, -The Being One III, The SERAMITAS, THE Path BACK, Book 3, 2018,

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The Law of One Session 36

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Brothers and Sons!

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Carl Jung:
“What you resist, persists.”

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Carl Jung
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The Being One
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The BEing ONE
Without knowledge  I do not live…
Without understanding, I do not exist…
without unconditional love, I am NOT…
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-The Being One III,
 Book 3,

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 … 11-The true ascended master will always choose a telepathic being of theexterior that is vibrationally very similar to it and that represents itproperly, seriously and responsibly.12 – And finally, the messages, teachings and transmissions of an ascended master will always bring unconditional and altruistic help for all of you so that all of you can grow spiritually.If the ascended master is genuine, trustworthy and authentic, if his teachings,they are profound, if he works with a telepathic being that helps him seriously andresponsibility and both fully comply with the mission entrusted, and if you work your awakening, with consciousness, then we can tell you thatYou are on the right path.213. So the reality of the lower worlds is all holographic?Not only of the lower worlds; the reality of the One Being, is holographic, betterimaginative saying.Everything created by him is through his imagination, and within that imagination, we are his thoughts-energies, expressing and executing his creative desires.214. Are our negative sick emotions holograms with viruses?Yes, they are distorted programs, that do not work correctly, and that being in the computer, (brain), they give an unreal, illusory and uncertain result.215. When you talk about universal feelings, are theycosmic holographic programs?So is.The feelings are formulas-programs that are always repeated in the universal mind, because all its operation is based on codes, which keep it active, dynamic, and up-to-date.Feelings are the soul of the universal mind: it is what makes it function well and eternally.216. If we are holograms, why do we have to eat, defecate, havechildren, etc.?In reality, when you became densified and distorted you had tofeed, not «food», as you see it, but what this source of«Energy», represents, as salts, minerals, calcium, phosphorus, carbohydrates,hydrogen etc.We have to understand that in the universal mind, holograms are reflected, and when they leave the mind, she continues to feed them, of all the chemical elements that the hologram needs.It is a food, which produces vibration, frequency, rhythm, colors, etc.,Universal mind nourishes them eternally with energy, so they can liveeternally.As long as the hologram is connected to its source, it has no problem.In your case, you had to connect to an artificial life calledego, because the connection with his Creator had been disconnected.So,179 you began to eat organic foods that produced energyelectricity, and through those foods and the sun’s rays, you were able to continue and survive.This type of food is non-existent in the Universe.The universal beings, nourish themselves of the cold sun (helium), and of the cosmic energy.Therefore, we are telling you that in the future, you will be nourished by energyphotonics, (helium), because the spirit, that is the energetic being, will no longer need the food that nowadays ingests: these will be unnecessary for the body subtle that you will have ….* * ** * *

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…11- El verdadero maestro ascendido escogerá siempre a un ser telépata del
exterior que sea vibratoriamente muy parecido a él y que lo represente
adecuadamente, con seriedad y responsabilidad.

12- Y por último, los mensajes, enseñanzas y transmisiones de un maestro ascendido, siempre traerán para todos ustedes la ayuda incondicional y altruista para que todos ustedes puedan crecer espiritualmente.

Si el maestro ascendido es genuino, fidedigno y auténtico, si sus enseñanzas
son profundas, si trabaja con un ser telépata que lo ayude con seriedad y
responsabilidad y ambos cumplen a cabalidad la misión encomendada, y si
ustedes trabajan su despertar, con conciencia, entonces les podemos decir que
están en el camino correcto.

213. ¿Entonces la realidad de los mundos inferiores es toda holográfica?

No solo de los mundos inferiores; la realidad del Ser Uno, es holográfica, mejor
dicho imaginativa. 
Todo lo creado por él, es a través de su imaginación, y dentro
de esa imaginación, estamos sus energías-pensamientos, plasmando y
ejecutando sus deseos-creadores.

214. ¿Nuestras emociones negativas enfermas son holografías con virus?

Sí, son programas desvirtuados, que no funcionan correctamente, y que al estar en la computadora, (cerebro), dan un resultado irreal, ilusorio e incierto.

215. Cuando ustedes hablan de los sentimientos universales, ¿son
programas holográficos cósmicos?

Así es. 

Los sentimientos son fórmulas-programas que siempre se repiten en la mente universal, porque todo su funcionamiento se basa en códigos que la
mantienen activa, dinámica y actualizada. 

Los sentimientos son el alma de la
mente universal: es lo que la hace funcionar bien y eternamente.

216. Si somos hologramas, ¿por qué tenemos que comer, defecar, tener
hijos, etc.?

En realidad, cuando ustedes se densificaron y se distorsionaron tuvieron que
alimentarse, no de “comida”, como ustedes lo ven, sino de lo que esta fuente de
“energía”, representa, como sales, minerales, calcio, fósforo, carbohidratos,
hidrógeno etc. 

Tenemos que entender que en la mente universal, los
hologramas se plasman, y cuando salen de la mente, ella los continúa
alimentando, de todos los elementos químicos que el holograma necesita. 

Es una alimentación, que produce vibración, frecuencia, ritmo, colores, etc., la
mente universal los nutre eternamente de energía, así ellos pueden vivir

Mientras que el holograma esté conectado a su fuente, no tiene problema.

En el caso de ustedes, tuvieron que conectarse a una vida artificial llamada
ego, porque la conexión con su Creador había sido desconectada. 

Así pues,179 comenzaron a alimentarse de alimentos orgánicos que producían energía
eléctrica, y a través de esos alimentos y de los rayos del astro sol, pudieron continuar y sobrevivir. 

Este tipo de alimentación, es inexistente, en el Universo.

Los seres universales, se nutren del sol frío (helio), y de la energía cósmica. 

Por eso, les estamos diciendo que en el futuro, ustedes se nutrirán de energía
fotónica, (helio), porque el espíritu, o sea el ser energético, ya no necesitará de
los alimentos que hoy en día ingiere: estos serán innecesarios para el cuerpo
sutil que tendrán….

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Book 1:
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Book 1
BooK 1:
Enlace a Primera Página – El SER UNO
BOOk 2:
PLANET 3.3.3.
Ser Uno, Guardianes de Tera,Planeta3.3.3.
enlace a primera pagina Aghartan
^ ^ ^
BooK 3
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. Being One is a book of self-knowledge. It should be read in order: it would be useless to read it haphazardly, because that would not give the expected result. His reading will be opening and connecting the brain circuits of knowledge, understanding and love.

Meditate on it, review it … study it … …let go of old ideas and lessons …study the new .

Being ONE

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What is unconditional love and why is it so elusive for many? It is a love that does not judge, defends or distinguish between any living creature that enters your neighborhood. It is a love that embraces all creation as emanating from the heart of Father-Mother God, the Source of Creation, that which created matter and has placed in the dark matter of the Universe expanding.

Unconditional love is beyond understanding the small packaging and divided mind , qualifies and categorized. Unconditional love is the love that surpasses all understanding and simply is, in itself, pure, upright and spotless. It is the essence of your Higher Self. It is the true essence of themselves, stripped of all that is not the Self .
» I love you unconditionally , and turn on the Violet Fire in the emanation you’re sending to me. Bless you too, find that I am gaining peace in the new and expanded version of my Being. «


Many are beginning to wake up and realize they need to love themselves . This is very difficult for many as they have remained in the shadows of doubt and hate themselves for a long time, often without understanding the core issues or reasons for such feelings. The finding love and self-respect is merely a step on the path to self-mastery . If you feel that you can not even love themselves, learn to accept themselves as they are, and will release his future to love. Love flows from the heart of creation, but you can not feel this connection and this flow until the source is connected with the source of love within his own heart center.
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El Ser Uno
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